Duluth Trading Company
Workwear and outdoor gear built to take on life with your own two hands.
total impressions/
fully licensed assets
EMV (earned media value)
Duluth has done a great job of preserving their brand messaging on social platforms, but was worried that they didn’t have enough buzz around the brand and new products. They came to Joybyte to help them grow their brand awareness in order to get more of their target audience engaged through the deployment of ambassador audiences.
The Challenge
They needed scalability and did not have the internal resources to secure the number of ambassadors they wanted posting content about the brand at scale.
Our Solution
We really adhered to their top customer groups: farmers, DIYers, blue collar workers, and outdoorsmen (hunters, fishermen, long-term hikers) and within those niches we were able to find creators that really loved the brand and were delighted to post about the products to their audiences. Our strategy was finding micro influencers who had already mentioned Duluth or presented a problem Duluth’s products could fix.
The product we focused on is Duluth’s cooling / breathable underwear that would give a better experience to the tasks these creators already performed on their channels. To date, we have secured 49 creators that have produced 32 fully-licensed assets for Duluth!